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We are the team to call for emergency plumbing repairs.

Aberdeen Emergency Plumbers is a local team of emergency plumbing experts covering the Aberdeenshire area.

Mobile: (+44) 07415 083132

Landline: (+44) 01224 953162


Aberdeen Emergency Plumbers

46 Queens Road


AB15 4YE

  • What should I do if water leaks?

    To help minimise water damage to your property, it is advised to turn off your mains water supply at the stopcock. This is usually located under the kitchen sink.

  • How quickly can you get here?

    In an emergency we aim to be with you within the hour subject to availability.

  • Do you charge call out fee?

    No, we do not charge 

  • Do we like pinacoladas?

    Yes, we do.

  • How Warm Should Your House Be?

    Because comfort is highly personal, there is no single best setting for your central hearting, but the general rule is to set your thermostat as high as you are still comfortable. For most people, this is between 18 and 22 degrees . 

    Your thermostat tells the boiler to keep heating until the house is a specific temperature. It maintains a set temperature, nothing more.

    Manipulating your thermostat throughout the day can also help you save money on energy. If the house is going to be empty for a long stretch during the day, set it a few degrees higher before you leave and turn it back down when you get home. 

    The UK government used to recommend a temperature of 21 degrees for living rooms and 18 degrees for bedrooms, but now they just recommend 18 degrees for the whole home.

    Increasing your room temperature by just a few degrees will increase your energy bills substantially, so it's best to avoid turning up your thermostat too much.  Each degree can actually cost you an extra 10% on your heating bill a year. 

  • Tips to Save on Heating Bills

    • One of the cheapest and best ways to save energy and money is by Stopping draughts and keeping windows closed.
    • Keep radiators bled, free of obstruction and clean (free of dust).
    • Check with your plumber you have got the right radiator size; check out your BTU requirement.
    • Avoid laminate floor, instead used carpets. Carpets are 60% more insulative than wood/fiberglass with insulative properties.
    • Consider underfloor heating and upgrade your thermostat.
  • Radiator Noises?

    Gurgling or Water Running Noises - Bleed your radiators and always remember to repressurise your heating system after you finished removing the air.

    Clicking Noises - It is most likely to be caused by expansion of the radiator material as the radiator heats up.

    Banging Noises - unusual but can be caused by hard water (limescale in the central heating system).

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